Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's a new day, spring has sprung.

Today I felt a lot like drawing, painting or something. Maybe it was due the longer days, the tulips pushing their way up through the dirt below my living room windows or possibly it was just because the pencil fit so nicely in my hand.

The meeting was so boring...........people who can't grasp a simple concept infuriate me to no end. It is hard for me to sit in a room with people who just don't get it, people who waste 45 minutes of my time in order to repeat and in order to explain the ifs, ands, whys and hows of a simple concept. Dumbasses!!!

.......It was so boring. My hand picked up the pencil and I just started drawing, shading so that you couldn't see any solid lines, only light and dark.

What would you do if you only had one day, one week, one month to live? I saw "One Week" tonight with my friend. We love Joshua Jackson so we knew we would like this movie but I got way more than I expected. This was a movie that really made you think about life and what you would do if you were told you had a limited amount of time left. Almost three years ago my mother was told that very thing. She chose to try to get treatment but also not to tell us just how bad she was, that her prognosis was so poor, that the odds were stacked against her getting better. If I had those weeks back I'd spend them all with her.

If I were told I only had one day, one week, one month to live I would want to see everything I could before I had to become a patient just like Joshua Jackson's character did however I would be torn. If it meant turning my back on treatment in order to really live I don't know if I would have the courage for that. You would essentially be choosing the moment over the possibility of more. Do you take a sure thing and just pack it so damn full of moments or do you succumb to terrifying treatment not knowing if there was a happy ending....?

I would spend more time with my children. I would tell them how wonderful that are and I wouldn't get so frustrated over the small things. I would tell my husband how grateful I am to have him. I would tell my some of my in-laws what I really wait, I've already done that :) I would go to Calgary to see my sister and make her take me to Drumheller to walk amongst the bones of dinosaurs. I would take my niece and nephew to the Calgary Zoo and snuggle with them every night that I had with them. I would bring my little Sweet Pea to my place more often and make cookies with her so that she wouldn't feel sad sometimes. I would tell my sister-from-another-mother just how much she means to me and how there are days when I just feel so much anger over what has happened in her life over the past 1 1/2 years that I cry, that I want to break things in anger and frustration.

Another spring has come and the tulips are pushing up through the dirt in front of my living room windows again. They are my mother's tulips and soon her lilies will follow suite. I feel the creative juices awakening in my veins like the maple syrup is waking up the leaves on the maple trees. It's almost time to put away my knitting needles for a bit in order to pick up my garden spade and my paint brush. I've decided I'm going to spend most of time on the deck this summer. Maybe I'll paint out there.

Don't worry, not all my posts will be like this. If there's something you need to know about me it's that I really hate people. I'm sure that this will make for some colourful posts. Until then....happy spring everyone!